Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining – Rule Chains Explained

Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining – Rule Chains Explained

Prabhat Gupta

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Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining – Rule Chains ExplainedForward Chaining vs Backward Chaining – Rule Chains Explained
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Rule chaining is the process of linking various business rules together in a chain to automate decision-making workflows. Each rule in the chain is evaluated according to particular criteria, and the outcome of one rule will trigger the activation of the next. This type of approach enables organizations to manage more complicated logic, making operations smoother and automating the processes easier. This will give the organization rule-based dynamic workflows that can change according to the various scenarios without manual intervention.

The scope of rules chaining is wide-ranging and works across different industries and use cases. Applying rule chaining allows automating responses to service questions, approval workflow management, complex compliance checking, and decision-making in finance, insurance, healthcare, among others. Thus, through their integration with business automation systems, rule chaining enhances greater efficiencies, reduces error, and improves response rate.

There are two common types of chaining: forward chaining and backward chaining. While forward and backward chaining each offer unique advantages, both are nonetheless powerful tools of rule-based systems that help automate complex decision-making processes by either allowing the deployment of known data or pushing toward a desired end. 

Choosing Between Forward and Backward Chaining

When deciding between forward and backward chaining, consider the following factors:

1. Nature of the Workflow: When you have data and need to move systematically through decisions then use forward chaining. Select backward chaining if you begin your process with a definite outcome and other conditions have to be checked.

2. Goal-Driven vs. Data-Driven: Forward chaining is more suited for data driven applications where the process is based on inputs like from customer queries, etc. Backward chaining fits into cases where the work process is based on goals, for example, compliance checklists or financial sign off processes.

3. Complexity of Conditions: If your workflow consists of a lot of steps that are contingent on the data as you receive it, forward chaining is more suitable. Backward chaining is preferable when conditions which have to be checked, should be tested in a reverse sequence to ensure that they have all been met.

4. Real-Time Automation Needs: Forward chaining is required for performing actions on the workflows which are dependent on the event that has just occurred. Backward chaining is appropriate for use where each of the steps involves a prerequisite of achieving a valid end result.

What is Forward Chaining?

Forward chaining is an important aspect of rule based systems, which are applied in different decision making and automation systems. These systems take a set of rules and apply those to some data to get an output. The logic of this is that rules are cumulative and each rule is followed by applying the next rule which comes in succession.

Also known as forward inference, it works by taking existing data and going through a set of rules and arriving at the end, at the decision. In this process, each rule is assessed on its qualifications in light of the aforementioned conditions. So we can say that every active rule implies some consequent actions or decisions in the sequence of workflow. 

Forward chaining is well suited in the situations where in order to take actions gradually in the step by step manner, a number of conditions have to be processed. One of the major reasons why it is used in automation is that it can make workflows responsive to current data. This method facilitates the completion of tasks from one step to another with enhanced decision making accuracy.

How Forward Chaining is implemented in Nected? 

Nected makes the forward chaining of rules as easy as it can be. To create a forward chaining rule sequence in Nected, follow these steps:

1. Setting up the Trigger Node: Firstly, open up Nected’s Workflow Editor. Start a new process and go to the first step of the workflow and add a Trigger. This node will be the beginning of the execution of your process, which is initiated only when an event occurs (e.g., a customer request).

2. Adding Rule Nodes and Configuring Conditions: After the Trigger Node, add a Rule Node to compare your first condition… Set up the rule to contain details regarding under what circumstances the rule should be run. These values are either mapped from the trigger node’s output or are input by the user.

3. Linking Additional Rules: To progress with it, append more Rule Nodes in order to encompass other conditions. Thus, the sequence of rules will be created and each rule’s output will specify the next rule moving forward in the process due to received data.

4. Integrating DB and API Nodes: For better forward chaining, you can keep adding DB Nodes to work with databases or REST API Nodes to work with external systems considering the outputs of rules. It also allows the workflow to perform gross actions of the fine work, such as database updates or calling other services.

Example - Automating Customer Service Workflow:  

In a customer service workflow, forward chaining can be used to help automate the flow of questions and concerns. An example of the Trigger Node could be a new support request, and the subsequent Rule Node, classifying the inquiry based on the customer concern. If the rule finds that it is a technical one, the inquiry is forwarded to the technical support and analysis division. Other rules may call a follow-up email or modify the profile of the customer in the database.

Importance of Forward Chaining in Workflow Automation

Forward chaining makes workflows adaptive to new information, and hence allows for flexibility. This is particularly relevant in cases where there are a series of decisions to be made, in order to increase the speed of business operations while maintaining a high level of quality. Forward chaining enables Nected to create business workflows that can shift dynamically based on the data or events that come in, making it an effective means of business process automation.

Effortlessly build rule-based workflows with Nected to streamline your business processes.

What is Backward Chaining?

Backward chaining is a reasoning technique where first the descriptions of the problem and then the conditions needed to reach the current state must be derived. While forward chaining processes go from facts, backward chaining processes start with the conclusion and look for appropriate facts or rules.

Backward chaining is commonly implemented in goal based methods such as diagnosis or problem solving. They also use it when they have the outcome necessary that you want as an end product, for instance, approving a loan, you work backwards to check if all the prerequisites (credit rating, income etc) are present. This is an efficient technique in a process where you have to ensure all qualities have met before moving to the next level.

How Backward Chaining is implemented in Nected?

Again, similar to the forward chaining rule sequence, but here the logic applied is backward chained. To set up a backward chaining rule sequence in Nected:

1. Setting up the Trigger Node: To do so, in the Workflow Editor, begin by inserting a Trigger Node. Despite the fact that backward chaining contributes to achieving a certain goal, the process is developed as the workflow stemming from an event.

2. Adding Goal-Oriented Rule Nodes: You add on the Rule Node, which depicts the last condition you wish to attain in the guideline. For example, if the execution of the workflow is the approval of a loan, the last rule could verify that all the documents that should be approved were checked.

3. Working Backward through Conditions: From here one must add Rule Nodes that define all the previous conditions that lead up to the final conclusion. Each rule assesses a factor that has to be met for the mobile learning system to realize the intended goal. In the loan approval example, earlier rules could include a verification of income or credit score etc.

4. Integrating DB and API Nodes: Like with the forward chaining, you can request data through the DB Nodes or invoke some external services by using the REST API Nodes. When implemented these nodes provide the means for backward chaining to retrieve the correct data or request the proper action before arriving at the conclusion.

Example - Automating Approvals in a Finance Workflow:  

In a finance workflow, backward chaining can be applied to the loan approving process from approval to loan request. The workflow starts with the final goal: approving the loan. Then, the system reviews backwards to ensure that the applicant’s credit score, income, and document submissions conform to the necessary criteria. The loan is approved if all the aforesaid conditions have been fulfilled.

Choosing Between Forward and Backward Chaining

When deciding between forward and backward chaining, consider the following factors:

1. Nature of the Workflow: When you have data and need to move systematically through decisions then use forward chaining. Select backward chaining if you begin your process with a definite outcome and other conditions have to be checked.

2. Goal-Driven vs. Data-Driven: Forward chaining is more suited for data driven applications where the process is based on inputs like from customer queries, etc. Backward chaining fits into cases where the work process is based on goals, for example, compliance checklists or financial sign off processes.

3. Complexity of Conditions: If your workflow consists of a lot of steps that are contingent on the data as you receive it, forward chaining is more suitable. Backward chaining is preferable when conditions which have to be checked, should be tested in a reverse sequence to ensure that they have all been met.

4. Real-Time Automation Needs: Forward chaining is required for performing actions on the workflows which are dependent on the event that has just occurred. Backward chaining is appropriate for use where each of the steps involves a prerequisite of achieving a valid end result.

Importance of Backward Chaining

Backward chaining is especially important when the result is the main goal. It makes certain that all measures that have to be pursued are achieved prior the performing of the last operation. This method is very useful in a workflow where there are certain conditions that must be met, for instance, an approval process, audited processes etc.

Forward Chaining vs. Backward Chaining

It would be useful to consider the advantages of the used method before choosing between forward chaining or backward chaining. Each approach is useful for decision making and reinforces the importance of their establishment, however it depends on the framework of the workflow. Below is a table comparing key aspects of forward and backward chaining to help you decide which method best suits your business automation needs: 

Feature Forward Chaining Backward Chaining
Process Is a distinct process that is based on known data using rules to move forward. Connects the data to the desired goal and then looks for how that can be achieved.
Initiation Initiated with an event or data which need not to be stored and goes forward to check conditions. Initiated by the goal, it moves back to assess conditions.
Application Suitable for workflows that follow a defined sequence depending on the results produced. Suitable for orchestrated business processes which have a definite objective and whose output needs validation.
Examples Automating customer service requests/order processing. Automating approvals/troubleshooting processes.
Rule Testing Rules are tested as new data becomes available. Check all conditions in the rule that would help to achieve the goal.
Efficiency More efficient for organizations that have straightforward process maps or well-defined sequential processes. More suitable when the condition or the goal of the given workflow is more complex.

Best Practices for Using Rule Chains in Nected

To ensure you achieve the best when it comes to the performance of the various task flows when working with Rule Chains in Nected, there are some fundamental approaches you should apply. Proper rule configuration and strategic use of nodes will ensure smooth automation. Below are some of the best practices:

1. Define Clear Goals or Triggers: It is recommended to always develop a clear trigger or objective. In iterative chaining whether it to be forward chaining or backward chaining, the addressed workflow pattern should align itself to a specific business objective.

2. Simplify Rule Conditions: Split complicated rules into simpler rules with many nodes. It also assists in avoiding errors in the workflow and if the identified error occurred, it simplifies the process of looking for the solution.

3. Test Regularly: Before going ahead and applying the whole logic check each rule and node using the test state in Nected. This leads to a reduction in the amount of error that arises and general efficiency within the organization.

4. Leverage API and Database Integrations: Utilize DB Nodes and REST API Nodes to pull data in real-time directly from databases and other available services. Some of the features make improvements on how effectively the workflow deals with other systems.

5. Use Custom Logic When Necessary: If rules must handle computations or other forms of quantitative information, include Custom Code Node to execute the appropriate algorithm. This makes sure that your workflows are agile enough that they can incorporate the needs of specific business.

Example Use Cases

As stated earlier, Nected’s Rule Chains can apply in any given field. From customer support automation, finance approval, to e-commerce improvement, Rule Chains become your powerful tool to improve the flexibility of business processes. Following are some examples:

1. Customer Service Automation: Forward chaining can be used to route questions according to customer type, type or severity of the issue, etc. For instance, the posts such as questions regarding the bills are forwarded to the finance department while posts concerning technical problems go to the support team.

2. Finance Workflow Automation: Backward chaining can be used to automate approval activities for instance considering loan applications. The workflow is helpful to meet all required conditions such as income verification or credit score before the approval or rejection of the application.

3. E-Commerce Automation: Forward chaining enables a company to use customer behavior to trigger a specific promotion. For example, if a consumer makes an addition of an item into the cart then the rule chain can call an API that sends the consumer a discount.


Essentially, we saw there are two types of chaining: forward chaining and backward chaining. Both are methodologies for automating systems through rules. Forward chaining is effectively utilized, owing first to the stream of incoming data that drives a workflow, with decisions being made on the fly as the process engages. Backward chaining, on the other hand, is suited for a process—approval or compliance checks, for instance—because it starts with a goal, backtracks, and, by establishing the desired goal, determines which states need to be achieved in order to accomplish it. 

Rule Chain – is a unique feature of Nected, that combines forward and backward chaining functions into one unencoded interface where businesses can set up their automated flow, using actually no code at all. For example, to make decisions right on the fly or to verify goals set in advance Nected’s users can create complex flexible workflows with the help of Nected’s Workflow Editor. Due to the Nected’s integration with databases, external APIs, and custom logic nodes, it helps to automate various tasks and become easier and quicker due to its application.

When you adopt Nected, you can truly define, manage and own the automation of your business processes, minimize errors and maximize the efficiency, sensitivity and relevancy of your business workflows.

Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining FAQs

Q1. What is rule chaining?

Rule chaining is a method of linking multiple rules in a sequence, where each rule's outcome determines the next action, automating decision-making processes.

Q2. What is forward chaining?

Forward chaining is a reasoning method that starts with known data and moves forward through rules, making decisions step-by-step based on the available information.

Q3. When should I use forward chaining vs backward chaining?

Use forward chaining when your workflow is driven by real-time data or events. Forward chaining is best for processes that need to respond dynamically, such as customer service requests or order processing.

Q4. How does forward chaining improve automation in business processes?

Forward chaining automates decision-making by reacting to data in real time, ensuring workflows move efficiently through various steps without manual intervention. It helps streamline tasks, improve accuracy, and reduce operational delays.

Q5. What are the benefits of backward chaining?

Backward chaining ensures that all conditions are met to achieve a specific goal. It’s ideal for workflows like approvals, compliance checks, or troubleshooting processes where the focus is on validating the final outcome.

Prabhat Gupta

Prabhat Gupta

Co-founded TravelTriangle in 2011 and made it India’s leading holiday marketplace. Product, Tech & Growth Guy.

Prabhat Gupta is the Co-founder of Nected and an IITG CSE 2008 graduate. While before Nected he Co-founded TravelTriangle, where he scaled the team to 800+, achieving 8M+ monthly traffic and $150M+ annual sales, establishing it as a leading holiday marketplace in India. Prabhat led business operations and product development, managing a 100+ product & tech team and developing secure, scalable systems. He also implemented experimentation processes to run 80+ parallel experiments monthly with a lean team.

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