Empower Seamless Feature Management with Nected’s Open Source Feature Flagging

Empower Seamless Feature Management with Nected’s Open Source Feature Flagging

Mukul Bhati

 min read
Empower Seamless Feature Management with Nected’s Open Source Feature FlaggingEmpower Seamless Feature Management with Nected’s Open Source Feature Flagging
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Open Source Feature Flagging is essential to a developer's software engineering journey. For instance, its ability lies in transforming how developers manage and release features in their software applications.

It enables developers to activate or deactivate specific features in real-time, without requiring code changes or redeployment. This flexibility is invaluable during development, testing, and even production, as it empowers teams to roll out new features gradually, test them with a subset of users, and easily roll back changes if issues arise.

Let’s first know what Feature Flagging means?

Feature flagging, also known as feature toggling, allows developers to control the visibility and behavior of certain features within their applications through a simple configuration. Think of it like having a light switch for each feature in your application.

With feature flags, you can turn these switches on or off to control whether users see a particular feature, making it an indispensable tool for A/B testing, gradual rollouts, and managing complex development workflows. 

So, whether you're a seasoned developer or starting out, continue reading this article to explore the benefits of open-source feature flagging with an advanced feature flagging solution, Nected.

Feature flagging serves various purposes throughout the software development lifecycle, including:

  • Gradual Rollouts: Developers can release features gradually to a subset of users before making them available to everyone.
  • A/B Testing: Different feature variations can be tested with different user groups to evaluate performance and user satisfaction.
  • Emergency Rollbacks: If a newly deployed feature causes unexpected issues, developers can quickly disable it using feature flags without redeploying the entire application.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Feature flags facilitate continuous delivery by allowing developers to merge code into the main branch but only activate new features when ready.
  • Configuration Management: Feature flags provide an easy way to manage configurations without modifying the code, making controlling features in different environments simpler.

As projects grow in complexity with an expanding number of flags, developers often face challenges related to technical debt caused by accumulating old flags. Constant flag checks may introduce performance overhead, impacting system efficiency.

Testing becomes more complex with various flag states, and maintaining a consistent user experience becomes challenging. By leveraging Nected's feature flagging, developers can effectively manage these complexities, streamline collaboration, and confidently deliver high-quality software.

By embracing Nected’s feature flag open source service, developers can enhance collaboration, reduce risks associated with feature releases, and ultimately deliver a more reliable and user-friendly experience.  

To better comprehend how feature flag creation works, read this article related to Feature Flag Management.

Implementation of Nected’s Open Source Feature Flagging Mechanism

Nected's Experimentation Engine is a sophisticated feature flag management tool that provides teams with robust capabilities for conducting various experiments, including multivariate and split-API testing.

Implementing open source feature flag service into your development process through Nected's Decision Tables involves a series of crucial steps, offering a sophisticated and condition-driven approach to feature flag management, particularly suitable for intricate scenarios.

Here's a detailed guide on how to seamlessly execute this process:

  • Define Your Feature Flag Criteria: Start by articulating the conditions that will impact your feature flag, encompassing variables such as user demographics, application version, and environment type.
  • Create Your Decision Table in Nected: Utilize Nected’s platform to construct a Decision Table, serving as the central hub for your feature flag logic. Establish columns for each condition and include a final action column to determine the feature flag state (on/off).
  • Input Your Rules: Populate the Decision Table by entering criteria into the respective columns. For instance, if a feature should be active for users in a specific region, specify these conditions within the table. In the action column, define the outcome (feature flag state) based on the provided conditions.
  • Integrate with Your Application: Employ Nected’s API to seamlessly integrate the Decision Table with your application. Ensure that your application can transmit necessary data (such as user information and environment details) to Nected and receive the corresponding feature flag state in response.
  • Test Your Feature Flags: Prior to deployment, rigorously test each feature flag scenario to guarantee the Decision Table responds as anticipated. Simulate diverse user conditions to validate the expected outcomes.
  • Monitor and Iterate: Once your feature flags are live, continually monitor their performance. Leverage user feedback and data to iterate and update your Decision Table as necessary.
  • Maintain Your Decision Table: Conduct regular reviews and updates on the Decision Table to accommodate new features, shifts in user behavior, or other pertinent factors. Ensure the removal or updating of outdated rules to sustain operational efficiency.

For a detailed step-by-step process, read this guide.

For a more detailed understanding and visual guide on setting up a Decision Table in Nected, watch the dynamic pricing setup video.

Top Open Source Feature Flag Management Tools Comparison

Check out this tale to understand the best feature flags tools at a glance.



Language Support




Open Source

Supports multiple languages and frameworks

Advanced targeting, experimentation, segmentation

Various third-party services and frameworks



Supports multiple languages and frameworks

A/B testing, gradual rollouts, segmentation

Integrates with popular tools and platforms


BSD 3-clause

Supports multiple programming languages

Custom strategies, flexible architecture

Integrates with various data stores and third-party services



Primarily focused on Ruby, extensions for other languages

Flexible and extensible, supports feature toggles

Extensible through plugins, integrates with various systems

Among the various tools, you must pay specific attention to the Nected tool for their reliable and efficient services.

How does Nected's Open Source Feature Flagging Tool Empower Seamless Feature Management for Developers?

Nected Rule Engine is designed to simplify deployment processes with its user-friendly low-code/no-code approach. It eliminates the need for extensive coding expertise. The rule engine seamlessly integrates with your existing tech stack. It ensures that your deployment workflows effortlessly connect with your organization's current technologies, fostering adaptability.

This tool simplifies the deployment process and accelerates innovation by making it easier for teams to adapt and swiftly bring their features to the market. Nected empowers developers to control the introduction of new features, test them with precision, and easily manage changes, all without the hassle of extensive code alterations.

With Nected's feature flagging, developers can dynamically activate or deactivate features in real-time, providing unparalleled flexibility during development, testing, and even production. If issues arise with a feature, developers can quickly roll back changes without extensive code alterations or redeployment, ensuring a swift response to unexpected challenges.

Nected's feature flags seamlessly integrate with CI/CD pipelines and facilitate A/B testing, where different variations of a feature can be tested concurrently. This collaborative approach to testing helps teams gather valuable insights into user preferences and behavior. This tool makes collaboration smoother, risks are minimized, and the overall user experience is greatly enhanced.

By employing this method, teams can substantially mitigate risks associated with deploying novel features, improve their capacity to address user feedback and streamline their development workflows.

Schedule a demo with Nected to learn more about these feature flag mechanisms and how you can use them in your organization.


Q1. What is a Feature Flag?

A feature flag, or feature toggle, is a software technique where a new feature is wrapped in a conditional statement, allowing developers to control its activation without changing production code. It's used for testing, A/B testing, and controlled feature rollouts.

Q2. What are Examples of Feature Flags?

Examples include testing new user interfaces, offering beta features to specific users, toggling performance-related features, gradually rolling out features, and having an emergency kill switch for quick deactivation.

Q3. What is a Feature Flag Management System?

An open source feature flag management system is a tool or platform that centrally manages feature flags across environments. It simplifies creating, monitoring, and controlling feature flags, often offering advanced functionalities like user segmentation, A/B testing, analytics, and integration with development tools.

Mukul Bhati

Mukul Bhati

Co-founded FastFox in 2016, which later got acquired by PropTiger (Housing’s Parent). Ex-Knowlarity, UrbanTouch, PayU.

Mukul Bhati, Co-founder of Nected and IITG CSE 2008 graduate, previously launched BroEx and FastFox, which was later acquired by Elara Group. He led a 50+ product and technology team, designed scalable tech platforms, and served as Group CTO at Docquity, building a 65+ engineering team. With 15+ years of experience in FinTech, HealthTech, and E-commerce, Mukul has expertise in global compliance and security.

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