How to Use Scala Rule Engines for Building Intelligent Decision Systems

How to Use Scala Rule Engines for Building Intelligent Decision Systems

Mukul Bhati

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How to Use Scala Rule Engines for Building Intelligent Decision SystemsHow to Use Scala Rule Engines for Building Intelligent Decision Systems
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Scala-Rules is a powerful rule engine that has been specifically reimagined and tailored for the Scala language, using its strict type system efficiencies as well functional programming idioms. It provides developers with the ability to define, run and manage business rules in a declarative way thus making users eligible for separating business logic from application code. With the help of Scala-Rules, developers can build rule-based systems in a maintainable and scalable way which is easy to understand and change.

Key features of Scala rule engine-:

  • Simple Declarative Syntax: Scala-Rules offers a pragmatic and readable Domain specific Language (DSL) for writing rules. The DSL is intended to be as close to how Scala would have written it and hence its relatively high level making rule definition easy for developers (and readable by non-technical stakeholders).
  • Type Safety: Scala-Rules has a powerful type system as it is based on Scala language. This ensures that rules are checked at compile time, reducing the risk of runtime errors and improving the overall quality of the application. With Scala-Rules, if the code compiles, it is highly likely to work correctly at runtime.
  • Extensibility: Scala-Rules is very extensible; a user can specify rules using pure Scala statements. This enables the engine to provide out of box compatibility with a diversity of other Scala libraries and frameworks that further extend its options for how it can be used.
  • Integration with Functional Programming Libraries: A lot of functional programming libraries are supported by Scala-Rules, Cats being one such example. This integration enables developers to employ functional programming constructs, such as monads and applicatives in their rule evaluation with great efficiency.
  • Forward Chaining: Scala-Rules is known to support forward chaining process, which starts from a basic fact and the inference mechanism then applies rules of production systems in order to extract new facts until we reach a goal. This is a very powerful feature, especially in the case of some sophisticated business decision-making and dynamic rule evaluation.

Scala-Rules provides a clean and flexible mechanism to implement rule-based systems in scala. With its declarative syntax and application within the type system, it plays nicely with functional programming libraries that allows developers to build reliable high-performance rule engines. This blogpost is immensely informative as in this we are going to discuss work with Scala-Rules, best practice for implementation and challenges.

Step-by-Step Implementation of Scala-Rules for Rule-Based Systems

In Scala-Rules, a rule engine uses facts as the base for all its derivations. Here's a detailed step-by-step implementation using Scala-Rules with a specific example:

Step 1: Define the Glossary

A Glossary in Scala-Rules is where you define all your facts. Each fact is given a name and a type, which will be referenced in evaluations later.

Step 2: Define the Derivations

Derivations define the logic and interactions between the facts. In Scala-Rules, you use the Berekening class to express how facts come together to form your logic.

In our example, factC is calculated as the difference between factB and factA, but only if factA is greater than 0.

Step 3: Create the Context

The engine requires a Context mapping a set of initial facts to their values. This context is used as the starting point for the engine to perform the derivations.

Step 4: Run the Engine

With the initial context and the derivations defined, you can run the engine to calculate the derived facts.

The given code below implements a simple rule engine using the scala-rules library. It defines three integer facts (factA, factB, factC) and a single rule that dictates how factC should be derived based on the values of factA and factB. The rule states that factC is calculated as the difference between factB and factA, but only if factA is greater than 0 (Gegeven (factA > 0) Bereken factC is factB - factA). This condition ensures that the calculation of factC is contingent on the value of factA meeting the specified criterion. The code then sets initial values for factA and factB, applies the defined rule using the scala-rules engine, and outputs the resulting context. This approach allows for the automation of decision-making based on predefined conditions, which is beneficial for scenarios requiring consistent and logic-driven data processing and derivation.

Here is the complete example code for defining and running a simple rule engine using Scala-Rules:

import org.scalarules.engine._
import org.scalarules.utils._
import MyGlossary._  

object MyGlossary extends Glossary {
  val factA = defineFact[Int]
  val factB = defineFact[Int]
  val factC = defineFact[Int]

class MyArithmetics extends Berekening (
  Gegeven (factA > 0) Bereken factC is factB - factA

object ScalaRulesExample extends App {
  val initialContext: Context = Map(
    factA -> 4,
    factB -> 10

  val derivations: List[DslDerivation] = new MyArithmetics().berekeningen

  val resultContext: Context = FactEngine.runNormalDerivations(initialContext, derivations)


Executing the above code will give the following output:-

Values in context:

  factA = 4

  factB = 10

  factC = 6



  1. Glossary Definition: The MyGlossary object defines three facts (factA, factB, and factC) of type Int.
  2. Rule Definition: The MyArithmetics class extends Berekening to define a rule that calculates factC as factB - factA if factA is greater than 0.
  3. Context Creation: An initial context is created with values for factA and factB.
  4. Running the Engine: The engine runs the derivations with the initial context to produce a result context, which is then printed.

Read Also:- Top 10 Business Rules Engine 2024 | Expert Recommendations

Challenges and Limitations of Using Scala-Rules 

Scala-Rules provides a featureful framework for executing rule-based systems in Scala, but not without its limitations. It presents its own set of challenges, some due to the design choices made and others perhaps because it is just a more complex system to integrate into different applications.

  • Learning Curve: Scala-Rules is based on an intuitive DSL, but it still requires some of the most advanced features in scala and understanding how to use them (particularly its functional programming constructs). A challenge for developers not as familiar with Scala or more imperative programming constructs.
  • Performance Overhead: Scala-Rules has the same disadvantage like most of the rule engines; performance can impact when dealing with large data sets or complex rule sets. Evaluating rules in real-time can make your application slow so we need to follow optimization techniques and rule management.
  • Debugging Complexity: It is quite common that because of how complex are rule-based systems it can be extremely difficult to debug them. The problem arises in identifying which rule caused the unexpected result, given that rules are dynamic. Unfortunately, developers using Scala-Rules will need to implement their own comprehensive logging and monitoring in order to trace and debug rule executions effectively.
  • Integration with Legacy Systems: The integration of Scala-Rules with legacy systems, particularly those not originally built on Scala can be cumbersome. Connecting various systems together and ensuring the flow of data in a streamed fashion across different technologies implementing rules is hard work.
  • Limited Documentation and Community Support: Although, it has been around for sometime now but unlike more mature rule engines like Drools; Scala-Rules does not boast of a large community or documentation. This sometimes makes it difficult for developers to come across resources, tutorials or community support they may need, say when dealing with a specific issue such as trying out advanced features.
  • Tooling and IDE Support: Although Scala-Rules benefits from Scala’s ecosystem, the specialized nature of rule engines means that there may be limited tooling and IDE support specifically tailored for rule development. This can impact developer productivity and the ease of rule management.

Hence, it is safe to say that proper design choice, tool selection, and adherence to best practices when implementing a Scala-rules engine. Understanding these challenges allows developers to better prepare and devise strategies to mitigate them, ensuring successful implementation and management of their rule engines.

Read Also:- Rules Engine Design Pattern: A Comprehensive Guide

Rule Engine Integration: Scala vs. Nected

Scala-Rules stands as a potent tool for Scala developers needing to incorporate complex rule-based logic into their applications, offering strong type safety, functional programming integration, and declarative syntax. However, Nected offers a more accessible and cost-effective solution, particularly appealing to projects with limited technical resources or those seeking to reduce development and maintenance overhead. Nected's low/no-code approach, combined with its comprehensive support and scalability, presents a compelling alternative for a wide range of applications, emphasizing ease of use and efficient rule management.

Implementation through Nected-:

Start by creating a new rule. You can either build from scratch or use one of our predefined templates to save time. Our user-friendly interface guides you through the process, ensuring a seamless experience.

  • From Scratch: Ideal for custom rules tailored to your specific needs.
  • From Predefined Templates: Quickly get started with our ready-made templates for common use cases.

Configure Rule Conditions:-

  • Define Data Sources: Add data sources for your rule, which can be direct input attributes, datasets from your database, or data fetched from an external API.
  • Set Input Attributes: If needed, you can add custom input attributes by clicking "Add Input Attributes" and defining the required fields.

Create Conditions: Use the no-code editor to create rule conditions in the format: if -> attribute -> operator -> value. You can use various operators and logical combinations to define complex conditions.

Define Actions: Specify what action the rule should take based on the result. This could involve updating a result or triggering a flow within your system or third-party systems via API connectors.In summary, Nected emerges as a versatile and accessible solution for businesses seeking efficient rule management and decision-making capabilities. While other rule engines like Drools, Jess, and jBPM excel in specific technical domains or enterprise-level complexities, Nected's user-friendly low/no-code platform, advanced UI, seamless integration, and cost-effectiveness make it a compelling choice for a wide range of applications. By reducing barriers to entry and enhancing usability without compromising on functionality, Nected simplifies rule deployment and management, empowering both technical and n on-technical users to streamline their business processes effectively.

Also read our blog on Nected Rule Engine

Best Practices for building a rule engine on Scala-rules

Now we will discuss some good set of practices to create a Rule Engine using Scala-Rules that ensures a maintainable, efficient and scalable system. Some important techniques could be:

  • Start with a Clear Domain Model: Before even creating any rule definitions, have a clear domain model. Otherwise case classes to represent the entities and their relationships. This I think is a foundational step as it helps you to organize your rules in a more logical manner and makes the engine base much more intuitive.
  • Define Rules Using a Declarative Style: Write rules in a declarative manner with its DSL (Code should be self-explanatory, which defines the knowledge bases/rules). Not only does this make the rules more readable, but easier to maintain and modify as well. Make sure that rules are interpreted in a way non-technical stakeholders can follow.
  • Modularize Rule Definitions: Break your rules Into reusable components This modular way also can keep each rule isolated and easy to keep test of it. You can group a set of rules into packages or objects such that they are well organized.
  • Use Functional Programming Constructs: Utilize the support of first-class functions and immutable data structures in Scala. A library like Cats can be leveraged to handle rule execution via monads and applicatives, giving robust abstractions for quirky business logic.
  • Implement Comprehensive Logging and Monitoring: Trying to debug dynamic rule evaluations can be difficult. When applying the rules, implement logs to know which rule has finally applied and what it resulted. Monitoring tools will help you in finding those hot paths which are potential bottlenecks for the performance of your application and could make sure that all the rules have been evaluated correctly.
  • Document Rules and Processes: Have well documented rules that describe the purpose of your rule as references used in conditions or actions. This documentation aids in on-boarding new team members, allowing non-technical stakeholders to collaborate with the team effectively and also serve as a guide for future support of your rule engine over time.

Nected follows these best practices while implementing rule engines. By using Nected, you can leverage a well-designed, optimized, and maintainable rule engine without the hassle of managing these complexities in-house.

Sign up now to experience the benefits of a professionally managed rule engine solution.


Scala-rules is a simple yet powerful rule engine for Scala applications. It is a robust platform to manage complex decision processes. Scala’s combination of strictly typed safety and functional programming with declarative work leads us to stable grounds for managing complex decisions. On the other hand, in a technology landscape that is changing quickly, where availability and being user-friendly are key. Things are slowly changing with tools like Nected which make the experience way easier by moving to a higher level of abstraction and providing no/low-code platform. Not only does Nected make rule management simpler, but also facilitates seamless collaboration with non-technical team members and technical teams in all levels of proficiency -making it perfect for projects beloved by those guidelines. Organizations interested in simplifying rule deployment and operations efficiency have another option courtesy of Nected, which touts usability and scalability. Ultimately, the choice between Scala-rules and Nected depends on specific project requirements, technical capabilities, and the desired balance between advanced functionality and ease of implementation. As businesses navigate the complexities of rule-based systems, exploring tools like Scala-rules and Nected provides invaluable insights into optimizing decision processes and enhancing business outcomes through innovative technology solutions.


Q1. What is Scala-Rules?

Scala-Rules is a rule engine specifically designed for the Scala programming language. It leverages Scala's strong type safety and functional programming features to provide a robust platform for defining, managing, and executing business rules.

Q2. What are some alternatives to Scala-Rules in the Scala ecosystem?

Other rule engines available in Scala include:

  • Hammurabi: Known for its declarative syntax and ease of use.
  • Drools: While primarily a Java-based engine, it can be used with Scala and offers extensive features.
  • Easy Rules: A lightweight and simple rule engine compatible with Scala.

Q3. How is Nected different from other rule engines?

Nected can simply be integrated into any existing Scala project, is fast enough for the largest of rule sets and has built-in features to be more distributed. Boasting a resilient community, you can expect intuitive rule management thanks to an easy-to-use user interface.

Q4. Is there support for non-technical users to define rules in Nected?

Yes, Nected does provide a simple web based rule editor to define and manage the rules. That way business users can be part of the rule management process, without writing any code.

Mukul Bhati

Mukul Bhati

Co-founded FastFox in 2016, which later got acquired by PropTiger (Housing’s Parent). Ex-Knowlarity, UrbanTouch, PayU.

Mukul Bhati, Co-founder of Nected and IITG CSE 2008 graduate, previously launched BroEx and FastFox, which was later acquired by Elara Group. He led a 50+ product and technology team, designed scalable tech platforms, and served as Group CTO at Docquity, building a 65+ engineering team. With 15+ years of experience in FinTech, HealthTech, and E-commerce, Mukul has expertise in global compliance and security.

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