Enhanced Techniques of Decision Making using Nected’s Empowering Solutions

Enhanced Techniques of Decision Making using Nected’s Empowering Solutions

Prabhat Gupta

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Enhanced Techniques of Decision Making using Nected’s Empowering SolutionsEnhanced Techniques of Decision Making using Nected’s Empowering Solutions
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Effective decision making is essential to running a successful organization, decisions are taken at every part of the business lifecycle hence, the decision making process is a core component of any organization's functionality. Selecting and bringing the decision into action is a crucial part of the business. There are various techniques of decision making to ensure the decision is aligned with the objective of the organization’s goal. 

In this blog, let us understand different techniques of decision making and their features, and how to choose the right tool to automate the entire decision-making process. 

Decision making

Decisions can range from simple everyday choices to complex strategic moves in business. Decision-making in business is defined as choosing the best option from a set of multiple choices based on the organization’s goal. The process typically involves gathering relevant information, analyzing data, considering available options, and implementing the chosen solution.

Levels of Decision Making

Decision making in organizations can be categorized into three levels, each with its significance and implications:

  1. Strategic Decisions (High-Risk)Strategic decisions take place at the top of the organization and involve setting long-term directions, gathering intelligence, uncovering alternatives, and assessing these alternatives to choose a plan of action. These decisions are critical as they shape the future of the organization.
  2. Tactical DecisionsTactical decisions are made at the middle management level and are focused on implementing the strategies set by the top management. These decisions involve resource allocation, scheduling, and short-term planning.
  3. Operational DecisionsOperational decisions are routine decisions made at the lower levels of the organization. They involve day-to-day operations, such as handling customer inquiries, processing orders, and maintaining equipment.

Decision Making Environment

Decision making environment is an important factor in the decision making process. The quality of the decision made by the organization is based on the outcome of the decision. It is essential to collect and enquire all relevant data and its alternatives before deciding to ensure these factors do not cause an unbiased outcome. 

Similar to the decision, the environment will also affect the decision.  Different types of decision environments affect the decision making process. They are: 

1. Certainty:  In this environment, the decision-makers have all the information needed to make a strategic decision in advance and all the alternative techniques of decision making are analyzed and their outcomes are compared to make an effective decision.

Nected’s decision management software system provides such an environment to businesses and will create a stable environment to make decisions and analyze the outcomes of the decisions.

2. Uncertainty: In this environment, the decision makers have incomplete, uncertain, and stable data, and the decisions made in this environment are often unreliable and unpredictable.

3. Risk: In this environment, the decision makers often rely on gut instincts to make a decision based on their experience. 

Nected’s Decision Making Features

Let's see what are the features and characteristics of Nected’s decision making process.

Purpose: Nected will assist the business in making purposeful and goal-oriented decisions that are determined to solve specific business problems. 

Process: Nected’s process and techniques of decision making involve considering multiple alternatives and choosing the best decision from the alternatives

Time-bound: Certain decisions have to be made immediately within the specific time-bound, Nected’s advanced data analytics capabilities will come in handy in such a situation.

Consequences: Nected forecast the outcomes and consequences of the decisions based on historical data by using machine learning algorithms and decision-making techniques.

Feedback Loop: The Nected feedback loop helps the business to review the outcome, learn from the experience, and improve the future decision making process.  

Why is Decision Making with Nected important?

Decision making with Nected is important because it provides the following benefits to the businesses

  • The Nected business rules engine ensures the efficient use of available resources, including time, money, and personnel in the decision making process
  • Based on the requirement the features of the Nected’s rules engine can be customized to produce an optimized solution for specific requirements.
  • Adaptation: Nected’s decision making system is based on both systemic and data driven approaches hence it can be adapted to various kinds of sectors and domains.
  • The Nected feedback loop helps the business to review the outcome, learn from the experience, and improve the future decision making process.  
  • Nected’s risk management allows one to make effective decisions by analyzing and evaluating the risks beforehand. 

Processes and Techniques of Decision Making in Management Using Nected

Nected’s rule engine systems are used to automate the optimization of complex workflows and task allocations in the decision making process. Rules engines govern the allocation of gamification elements and loyalty points based on user behavior. Nected’s rule-based system sets rules for reward allocation and dynamic payout systems and It adjusts prices and discounts based on various conditions and factors. 

Here are some rule-based decision making techniques/methods that can be adopted in the platform: 

  • IF-THEN Rules: This is the fundamental structure of rule-based decision making. IF a certain condition is met, THEN take a specific action. For example, IF the temperature is above 90°F, THEN turn on the air conditioner.
  • Decision Table: Build multiple rules, really fast, just like an Excel table
  • RuleSet: Add all rules in one set to call them once and get matching results per different rule policies: First, Collect, Unique.
  • Rule Chain: Call Rules to process them individually and consume the final output to take final action. 

Production Rule Technique:  Production rules or production systems refer to behavioral rules for system operations. Here, a rule is generally a combination of actions and conditions. After the definition process, rules are used to make decisions or actions.

Rule-Based Expert Systems: An expert system simulates the human decision-making process within specific fields by using a knowledge base of rules and algorithms, these systems help generate decisions based on the input. 

Decision Trees:  The decision tree is a hierarchical structure representing decisions and their outcomes. Every node acts as the decision statement which can be based on a condition that leads to an outcome   

Weighted Rule Technique:  Rules are given different priorities in the weighted rule technique according to their importance and relevance in decision-making.

Inference Engines: Inference engines are the elements of rule-based systems that use rules on input data to make decisions. Inference engines use algorithms like backward chaining and forward chaining to make new information from stored knowledge.

Heuristic Rule Technique: Heuristics are rules of the thumb or a set of guidelines in decision-making where complex analysis cannot be conducted. Heuristics rule technique depends on experience, intuition, and professionalism. They may also appear in situations where time and options are constrained.

Influence Diagrams: Influence diagrams are graphical models representing and analyzing decision problems. They are made using nodes representing decision points, uncertainties, and objectives, connected by arcs. Influence Diagrams also represent causal relationships or influences between variables.

Read also:- What is Decision Management & How does it work?

7 Steps of Decision Making with Nected Platform

These are 7 steps of the decision-making process with the Nected platform:

1. Define the Problem: To initialize Nected’s decision support software, It is important to identify what problem you want to optimize using Nected.  

2. Gather Information: Nected's system has data analysis capabilities to collect relevant information and insights.

3. Identify Alternatives: The Nected platform helps to find alternatives to the decisions and also collects relevant data for alternatives.

4. Evaluate Alternatives: The Nected platform not only helps in finding the alternative. It also helps in comparing the outcomes of all the alternatives.

5. Make the Decision: Based on the evaluation made by Nected, It is easy to choose the best choice and put it into action.

6. Implement the Decision: Nected utilizes its features to track and monitor the implementation of the decision, ensuring it is carried out effectively.

7. Review and Learn: Nected assess the outcomes of the decision and gather insights for continuous improvement in future decision-making processes.

Read Also:- Exploring the Development of Business Decisions with Nected

Choosing the Best Tool - Nected

Nected's Decision support system and decision engine can simplify challenges like lack of customization based on the requirements, biased outcomes, and struggles to document and visualize the high amount of data.  

The Nected Decision Management System makes it easier to handle resistance when putting decisions into action, and it helps us better understand the real impact. Importantly, Nected's system supports the ethical management of business data by finding a good balance between decision-making and privacy through improved governance.

Decision Making Techniques

Effective decision-making is crucial in both personal and professional contexts. Here are several techniques that can enhance your ability to make well-informed decisions:

  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis: This technique involves weighing the expected costs against the anticipated benefits of a decision. By quantifying both factors, you can determine the potential return on investment and make informed choices. This method is particularly useful in financial decision-making, helping to identify the most cost-effective option.
  2. SWOT Analysis: SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This framework helps assess internal and external factors that may impact a decision. By identifying these elements, you can develop strategies that leverage strengths and opportunities while mitigating weaknesses and threats, leading to more balanced decision-making.
  3. Decision Matrix: A decision matrix helps evaluate multiple options against a set of criteria. Each option is scored based on its performance relative to the criteria, and the total scores are compared. This method provides a structured approach to complex decisions, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered and facilitating objective comparisons.
  4. Pareto Analysis: Also known as the 80/20 rule, Pareto Analysis focuses on identifying the few factors that contribute most significantly to a problem or outcome. By prioritizing these key factors, you can address the most impactful issues first, improving efficiency in decision-making and resource allocation.
  5. Delphi Method: This technique gathers insights from a panel of experts through multiple rounds of questionnaires. Feedback is aggregated and shared with the group, allowing participants to refine their opinions. The process continues until a consensus is reached, making it ideal for complex decisions that require expert input and collaboration.
  6. Mind Mapping: Mind mapping involves visually organizing information around a central concept. This technique helps explore various aspects of a decision, identifying relationships and potential outcomes. It encourages creative thinking and can reveal insights that may not be immediately apparent through linear analysis.
  7. Six Thinking Hats: Developed by Edward de Bono, this method encourages looking at decisions from six distinct perspectives: logic, emotion, caution, optimism, creativity, and control. By examining a decision through these different lenses, you gain a comprehensive view that incorporates both rational and emotional factors, leading to more balanced outcomes.
  8. Scenario Analysis: This approach involves creating detailed scenarios of potential future outcomes based on different decisions. By exploring various scenarios, you can anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, helping to make more resilient decisions that account for uncertainty.
  9. Pros and Cons List: One of the simplest techniques, this method involves listing the positive and negative aspects of each option. By clearly outlining the advantages and disadvantages, you can easily compare options and identify the most favorable choice based on the overall impact.
  10. Root Cause Analysis: This technique focuses on identifying the underlying causes of a problem rather than just addressing the symptoms. By understanding the root causes, you can develop solutions that effectively address the issue, leading to more sustainable decision-making.
  11. Tiered Voting: Not all decisions need to be made solo. Tiered voting brings in group input, making the process more democratic. Everyone votes on their preferred options, and the least popular ones are eliminated until the best choice remains. This method ensures diverse opinions are considered, avoiding the pitfalls of majority rule and fostering a more inclusive decision-making process.
  12. The Heuristic Method: If you're refining a product or process, the heuristic method is invaluable. It's all about trial and error, gradually improving through experimentation. This method is perfect when you don't need everything to be perfect right away. For instance, launching a new website and then tweaking it based on user feedback can lead to a better final product.

Using these decision-making techniques, you can approach challenges with a structured mindset, ensuring that your decisions are well-informed and aligned with your goals. Each method offers unique benefits, and selecting the right one depends on the complexity and context of the decision at hand. By leveraging these tools, you can enhance your decision-making capabilities and achieve better outcomes.

Read also:- Decision Management System: The Ultimate Need for All Businesses

Why decision making techniques are important?

Management of decisions is a critical activity that takes place throughout one’s lifetime whether at work or at home. Here are five key reasons why they are essential: Here are five key reasons why they are essential:

  1. Improved Problem-Solving: Therefore structured decision making techniques can be defined as rational methods of problem solving. The use of systemization methods to control the complex issues makes it easier to define the essence of the problem or goal as well as to provide effective and permanent solutions.
  2. Enhanced Objectivity: Thus, defined methods decrease the influence of bias and subjectivity. The decision matrices and SWOT analysis help in choosing between the alternatives and can minimize the effects of biases as compared to rating them based on personal preferences. This results to the production of decisions that are less Bias hence more balanced.
  3. Increased Efficiency: decision making techniques lessen the time and energy required on decision making so that it can be made efficaciously. Lots of people and groups can therefore find solutions using little time, whereby the approach of searching for relevant information and analyzing the pros and cons of various possibilities, as well as the identification of solutions will help improve productivity.
  4. Better Risk Management: Tools such as SWOT analysis and cost benefit analysis assist in establishing the probable opportunities and threats related to the various choices available in the market. Hence, by considering these aspects, the decisions made are likely to encounter the different hindrances and their usable useful resources and chances can be well thought out and shouldered in advance.
  5. Greater Accountability and Transparency: Writing down the decision-making process is important as it provides a good account of events in organizations. Mainly, when coming up with the decisions, for instance, there are critical criterion and methodologies supporting those decisions, it would be easier to convince the stakeholders about the soundness of those decisions as well as involve them into the decision-making process.

Therefore, by using these techniques, people and companies can make good decisions, which are desirable for them. That is why the structured approach helps not only in enhancing the quality of results received during decision making but also in increasing confidence toward these results, and therefore provides successful results in different spheres of life and enterprise.

Read also:- Revolutionize Your Business with Enterprise Decision Management


In the fast-changing business world, Nected emerges as a powerful platform by offering a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking to optimize their decision-making processes, improve outcomes, and navigate the complexities of data-driven decision environments. Sign up to make use of Nected’s decision making system and automate your entire decision making life cycle.


Q1. What are decision-making techniques?

Decision-making techniques are methods used to analyze and choose between different options to make informed and effective decisions.

Q2. Why is decision-making important?

Decision-making is crucial because it determines the course of action and impacts outcomes. Effective decision-making leads to better results and the organization’s goal achievement.

Q3. How can technology aid decision making?

Technology offers tools like Nected decision support systems to process vast amounts of information, providing insights and recommendations to support decision makers.

Q4. What is the role of decision-making techniques in business?

Decision-making techniques help businesses make informed choices by providing structured methods for evaluating options. They enhance objectivity, reduce bias, and enable efficient problem-solving, ultimately leading to better outcomes and improved business performance.

Q5. How can SWOT analysis improve decision-making?

SWOT analysis improves decision-making by identifying an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This comprehensive assessment helps businesses develop strategies that leverage strengths and opportunities while addressing weaknesses and mitigating threats, ensuring balanced and effective decisions.

Prabhat Gupta

Prabhat Gupta

Co-founded TravelTriangle in 2011 and made it India’s leading holiday marketplace. Product, Tech & Growth Guy.

Prabhat Gupta is the Co-founder of Nected and an IITG CSE 2008 graduate. While before Nected he Co-founded TravelTriangle, where he scaled the team to 800+, achieving 8M+ monthly traffic and $150M+ annual sales, establishing it as a leading holiday marketplace in India. Prabhat led business operations and product development, managing a 100+ product & tech team and developing secure, scalable systems. He also implemented experimentation processes to run 80+ parallel experiments monthly with a lean team.

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