Low Code Java: The Future of Java Development?

Mukul Bhati
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In the landscape of modern software development, the paradigm of low code and no code tools has emerged as a pragmatic solution for crafting applications with greater efficiency. In this article, we focus on the Java programming language, delving into the intricacies of low-code and no-code tools and their integration within Java-based applications. For developers well-versed in the realm of Java, these tools present an opportunity to streamline development processes, enhance application functionalities, and address specific challenges without the need for extensive coding efforts. In the following sections, we'll explore the different dimensions of this topic, examining the tools built in and integrable with Java, their benefits, challenges, and real-world applications. So, let's dive into the technical landscape of low code and no code tools tailored for the Java ecosystem.

Low Code Java Platforms

In the realm of Java-based application development, the integration of low-code and no code tools brings a new dimension of efficiency and flexibility. These tools allow developers to enhance their Java applications by seamlessly incorporating functionalities and features without engaging in extensive coding endeavors. Let's explore some key tools in this domain, their use cases, and how they can elevate Java-based applications:

Tool Name Use Case Description
Spring Boot Backend Development Spring Boot simplifies Java backend development by providing a framework that requires minimal configuration, enabling developers to focus on business logic rather than intricate setups.
Vaadin UI Development Vaadin empowers developers to build web applications using Java, offering a set of components and tools for creating modern and responsive user interfaces.
Joget DX App Development Joget DX enables the creation of full-fledged applications with minimal coding, utilizing a visual interface to design workflows, forms, and user interfaces.
AppGyver Rapid App Development AppGyver offers a visual development environment for Java developers, enabling the creation of cross-platform applications with minimal coding efforts.
OutSystems Full Stack Development OutSystems provides a comprehensive platform for building Java-based applications from front-end to back-end, utilizing visual development and pre-built components.
JHipster Java Microservices JHipster facilitates the creation of Java microservices applications, automating the setup and configuration of development tools and frameworks.
Mendix Enterprise App Development Mendix streamlines the development of Java-based enterprise applications with visual development and collaborative tools for different teams.
Nected Rule Engine & Automation Nected's versatile rule engine integrates seamlessly with Java applications, offering dynamic business rules and decision-automation capabilities.
Apache OFBiz E-Commerce Solutions Apache OFBiz provides Java-based tools for creating e-commerce and enterprise automation solutions, covering various aspects of business processes.

These tools serve as essential components for enhancing Java-based applications, addressing specific needs, and improving development efficiency. By providing a spectrum of functionalities, they enable developers to focus on delivering value to end-users while minimizing the complexities of traditional coding approaches. As we delve into the following sections, we will explore some of these tools in more detail and showcase their integration within Java applications through practical examples.

Integrating Low Code Tools with Java Applications

Let's see how these low code and no code (LCNC) tools can be seamlessly integrated into Java-based applications, enhancing their capabilities and functionalities. Below are examples of how some prominent tools can be integrated:

1. Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides a simplified approach to backend development in Java. By integrating Spring Boot into a Java application, developers can create robust and efficient backend services with minimal configuration. Here's a basic example of integrating Spring Boot into a Java-based application:

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class MyApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

In this example, the @SpringBootApplication annotation initializes the Spring Boot application context, allowing developers to focus on building the business logic.

2. Vaadin

Vaadin enables Java developers to create modern and responsive user interfaces for web applications. Integration with Vaadin streamlines UI development using Java. Here's a simple example of integrating Vaadin into a Java-based application:

import com.vaadin.flow.component.button.Button;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.notification.Notification;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.flow.router.Route;

public class MyUI extends VerticalLayout {

public MyUI() {
Button button = new Button("Click me",
event -> Notification.show("Hello from Vaadin!"));

In this example, the Vaadin components are utilized to create a basic UI layout with a button that triggers a notification when clicked.

3. Joget DX

Joget DX offers a visual approach to application development, allowing developers to design workflows, forms, and user interfaces without extensive coding. Integrating Joget DX can expedite the creation of Java-based applications. Here's an illustration of integrating Joget DX:

import org.joget.apps.app.model.ProcessDefinition;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
import org.joget.apps.app.service.ProcessUtil;

public class MyJogetApp {

public void createNewProcessInstance(String processDefId) {
ProcessDefinition processDef = ProcessUtil.getProcessDefinitionById(processDefId);
ProcessUtil.startProcess(processDef, AppUtil.getCurrentUser());

In this example, Joget DX's APIs are leveraged to create a new process instance based on a specified process definition.

4. AppGyver

AppGyver provides a visual development environment for creating cross-platform applications with minimal coding. Integrating AppGyver allows Java developers to build applications swiftly. Here's an example of integrating AppGyver:

import com.appgyver.connector.Connector;

public class MyAppGyverApp {

public void fetchDataFromAPI() {
Connector connector = new Connector("apiConnector");
connector.callApi("GET", "/data", null);

In this example, AppGyver's connector is utilized to fetch data from an API, showcasing the simplicity of integrating functionality into the application.

5. OutSystems

OutSystems is a low-code platform that allows developers to build, deploy, and manage applications with speed and agility. Integrating OutSystems into a Java-based application can streamline development. Here's an example of integrating OutSystems:

import com.outsystems.cloud.pcm.JavaConnector;

public class MyOutSystemsApp {

public void connectToOutSystems() {
JavaConnector connector = new JavaConnector("myOutSystemsConnector");

In this example, the JavaConnector class from OutSystems is used to establish a connection to the OutSystems platform.

6. Nected

Let's explore how Nected seamlessly enhances the functionality of your React.js application, similar to the previous example. We'll guide you through a code snippet that vividly demonstrates how Nected can be effortlessly integrated into a React.js project, resulting in remarkable outcomes.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

const App = () => {
const [responseMessage, setResponseMessage] = useState('');

// Define Nected API / webhook URL
const nectedWebhookURL = '';

// Sample parameters to determine product price
const priceParams = {
environment: 'staging',
isTest: false,
params: {
customer_location: 'sample-value',
product_name: 'sample-value'

useEffect(() => {
// Trigger the Nected API with product & customer params
axios.post(nectedWebhookURL, priceParams)
.then(response => {
if (response.status === 200) {
setResponseMessage('Nected rule & workflow triggered successfully!');
} else {
setResponseMessage('Error triggering Nected API.');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error triggering Nected API:', error);
setResponseMessage('Error triggering Nected API.');
}, []);

return (



export default App;

This example showcases how Nected seamlessly integrates with your React.js application, enhancing its capabilities. The code snippet details the step-by-step process of invoking a Nected rule and workflow using its API. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Defining Nected API URL: The process begins by defining the Nected API or webhook URL associated with a specific rule or workflow within the Nected ecosystem.
  2. Sample Parameters: A set of sample parameters is thoughtfully structured to determine the product price. These parameters are encapsulated within the priceParams object.
  3. Triggering Nected API: The axios.post method orchestrates the invocation of the Nected API, transmitting the nectedWebhookURL and the priceParams as JSON data.
  4. Response Handling: The response from the API call is assessed. If the response status code is 200, it signifies the successful execution of the Nected rule and workflow. In case of any issues during the API invocation, an error message is displayed.

Through this illustration, the seamless synergy between Nected and React.js becomes evident, enabling you to seamlessly integrate Nected's capabilities into your application workflow, even when working with Java.

7. JHipster

JHipster is a development platform that generates Java-based applications using Spring Boot and Angular or React. Integrating JHipster can expedite the creation of modern applications. Here's an example of integrating JHipster:

import io.github.jhipster.config.JHipsterProperties;

public class MyJHipsterApp {

public void configureJHipsterProperties() {
JHipsterProperties properties = new JHipsterProperties();
properties.getSecurity().setContentSecurityPolicy("default-src 'self';");

Here, the JHipsterProperties class is used to configure security settings in a JHipster-based application.

8. Mendix

Mendix is a low-code platform that enables developers to build, test, and deploy applications without extensive coding. Integrating Mendix into a Java-based application can enhance rapid application development. Here's an example of integrating Mendix:

import com.mendix.core.MendixObject;

public class MyMendixApp {

public void createNewMendixObject() {
MendixObject mendixObject = new MendixObject("MyEntity");
mendixObject.setValue("attribute1", "value1");

In this example, the MendixObject class is used to create and manipulate objects in a Mendix-based application.

These examples demonstrate how various Java-centric low code/no code tools can be seamlessly integrated into Java-based applications, expanding their functionalities and providing developers with powerful solutions for rapid application development.

Enhancing Java Applications with Low Code/No Code Tools

Integrating low code/no code (LCNC) tools with Java applications opens up new avenues for enhancing the development process, adding features, and boosting overall efficiency. These tools act as accelerators, allowing developers to focus on core functionalities while leveraging pre-built components and automation capabilities. Let's delve into how Java applications can benefit from the integration of LCNC tools:

  1. Accelerated Development
  2. LCNC tools provide a collection of pre-built components and templates, reducing the need for writing code from scratch. Developers can rapidly assemble these components to create complex functionalities, saving significant development time. For instance, a Java application requiring user authentication and authorization can integrate a LCNC tool to quickly implement secure login screens and user management modules.
  3. Flexibility and Customization
  4. While LCNC tools offer pre-built components, they also allow for customization to match specific application requirements. Java developers can tailor these components to align with their application's design and functionality. This flexibility strikes a balance between expediency and tailored development, ensuring that the application remains unique and aligned with the desired user experience.
  5. Rapid Prototyping and Iteration
  6. LCNC tools empower developers to swiftly prototype ideas and concepts, facilitating iterative development. For Java applications, this means quickly translating concepts into functional prototypes that can be tested and refined. This agility is invaluable for gathering user feedback early in the development cycle and iterating based on real-world usage.
  7. Complex Functionality Made Simple
  8. Java applications often require intricate functionalities, such as workflow automation, dynamic form handling, and data visualization. LCNC tools provide visual interfaces to design and implement such complexities without delving into intricate code structures. By using these tools, developers can automate business processes, create dynamic forms, and generate interactive reports with ease.
  9. Collaboration and Communication
  10. LCNC tools often include features for collaboration and communication among development teams. Java developers can utilize these tools to facilitate teamwork, track changes, and manage version control seamlessly. This fosters efficient collaboration, particularly when multiple developers are working on different components of a Java application.
  11. Continuous Integration and Deployment
  12. Integrating LCNC tools into Java applications aligns with modern development practices, including continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). These tools often offer integrations with CI/CD pipelines, allowing Java applications to seamlessly undergo automated testing, build processes, and deployment. This integration streamlines the release cycle, ensuring that updates and enhancements are promptly delivered to users.

Incorporating LCNC tools into Java applications bridges the gap between traditional coding and rapid application development. These tools empower Java developers to create robust applications efficiently, enhance user experiences, and stay competitive in the dynamic landscape of software development. The next section explores the challenges and considerations associated with the integration of LCNC tools into Java applications.

Challenges and Considerations

Integrating low code/no code (LCNC) tools into Java applications offers remarkable advantages, yet it's essential to recognize the challenges that might arise in the process. Here, we'll explore these challenges and how Nected, a groundbreaking LCNC platform, redefines the paradigm by overcoming these obstacles and delivering exceptional value to developers.

  1. Integration Complexity
  2. Challenge: Integrating LCNC tools into Java applications can present integration complexities, including compatibility issues with existing systems, data formats, and APIs. This can result in time-consuming integration efforts and potential disruptions to the application's workflow.
  3. How Nected Overcomes It:Nected addresses this challenge by providing a language-agnostic, extensive library of pre-built integrations. Regardless of the programming language used, Nected seamlessly connects with existing systems, APIs, databases, and other tools. This ensures that triggers, data, and actions are unified in one place, streamlining integration processes.
  4. Learning Curve
  5. Challenge: Developers accustomed to traditional Java coding may encounter a learning curve when transitioning to LCNC tools. This can slow down the adaptation process and hinder immediate productivity gains.
  6. How Nected Overcomes It:Nected's user-friendly interface and minimal coding requirements accelerate the learning curve. Both experienced developers and team members with varying skill levels can rapidly build complex rules and logic. Nected's approach fosters collaboration and empowers developers to contribute efficiently, thus ensuring quicker adaptation and innovation.
  7. Customization Limitations
  8. Challenge: Some LCNC tools might impose limitations on customization, particularly for applications requiring intricate and highly specific functionalities.
  9. How Nected Overcomes It:Nected empowers developers with limitless customizability and flexibility. Through custom codes, developers can enhance rules and workflows tailored to intricate business requirements. This adaptability allows Nected's generic rule and workflow engine to cater to diverse use cases, supporting continuous evolution and iteration.
  10. Security and Scalability
  11. Challenge: Integrating external LCNC tools can raise concerns about data security and scalability, especially when dealing with sensitive or high-volume data.
  12. How Nected Overcomes It:Nected ensures security with the option of an on-premise agent, allowing users to keep their data within controlled environments. The platform's architecture is designed for scalability, built using modern technologies that guarantee high performance and efficiency, even in the face of complex workloads.
  13. Testing and Optimization
  14. Challenge: Conducting A/B testing across multiple rules can be intricate, especially in LCNC environments, potentially impacting decision-making and process optimization.
  15. How Nected Overcomes It:Nected introduces an Experimentation Engine that empowers users to effortlessly conduct A/B tests across multiple rules. This functionality enables data-driven decisions, accelerating optimization processes and enhancing rule engines with no-code A/B testing capabilities.
  16. Centralized Data Management
  17. Challenge: As applications evolve, the need to adapt rules and workflows frequently arises, leading to the challenge of managing a centralized data layer without disrupting developers' coding efforts.
  18. How Nected Overcomes It:Nected's integration with various data sources facilitates data-driven rule creation. This approach eliminates the necessity for developers to modify their code regularly. It empowers product and growth teams to access parameters and data from databases seamlessly, enhancing agility in rule and workflow adjustments.

By understanding and addressing these challenges, Nected revolutionizes the LCNC landscape by providing a comprehensive solution that aligns with developers' needs and fosters efficient application development. The next section uncovers the benefits that Nected offers, further highlighting its alignment with the challenges of LCNC integration.


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the integration of low code/no code (LCNC) tools into Java applications has ushered in a new era of efficiency, flexibility, and innovation. The challenges that once accompanied LCNC integration are being met head-on by groundbreaking platforms like Nected. As developers strive to create powerful Java-based applications, Nected's language-agnostic approach, rapid building capabilities, and extensive customizability are leading the way.

By seamlessly integrating with existing systems, Nected empowers developers to build dynamic rules and workflows without the constraints of traditional coding. The platform's ability to bridge the gap between LCNC tools and Java applications not only accelerates development but also enhances security, scalability, and data-driven decision-making.

In the realm of Java development, Nected stands as a testament to the transformative potential of LCNC integration. As the demand for efficient and adaptable applications continues to rise, Nected paves the way for a future where development is both powerful and user-centric. Whether it's simplifying integration, enabling A/B testing, or ensuring scalability, Nected is poised to redefine how developers approach LCNC integration in the Java ecosystem.

Low Code Java Exploring Open-Source Low-Code PlatformsFAQs:

Q1. What is a low-code example?

A low-code example is a software application that is developed using a low-code platform. Low-code platforms allow developers to create applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) and drag-and-drop features, rather than writing code. This can make it easier and faster to develop applications, especially for non-technical users.

Here are some examples of low-code applications:

  1. A customer relationship management (CRM) system
  2. A human resources management (HRM) system
  3. A content management system (CMS)
  4. A web application
  5. A mobile application

Q2. How to code a low pass filter Java?

A low-pass filter is a type of filter that passes low-frequency signals and attenuates high-frequency signals. It can be implemented in Java using the following code:

public class LowPassFilter {

private double cutoffFrequency;
private double sampleRate;

public LowPassFilter(double cutoffFrequency, double sampleRate) {
this.cutoffFrequency = cutoffFrequency;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;

public double filter(double signal) {
// Calculate the filtered signal.
double filteredSignal = signal * Math.exp(-Math.pow(Math.PI * cutoffFrequency, 2) / (2 * Math.pow(sampleRate, 2)));

return filteredSignal;

Q3. What is meant by low-code Java?

Low-code Java refers to the use of low-code platforms to develop Java applications. Low-code platforms provide a graphical user interface (GUI) and drag-and-drop features that make it easier and faster to develop applications, especially for non-technical users.

When using low-code Java, developers can create applications by dragging and dropping components onto a canvas, rather than writing code. This can save time and effort, and make it easier for non-technical users to participate in the development process.

Q4. What is a low-code framework?

A low-code framework is a software development framework that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) and drag-and-drop features to simplify the development of applications. Low-code frameworks can be used to develop applications in a variety of languages, including Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Some popular low-code frameworks include:

  • Mendix
  • OutSystems
  • Appian
  • Creatio
  • Zoho Creator

Q5. What is a low-code no-code platform in Java?

A low-code no-code platform is a software development platform that allows users to create applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) and drag-and-drop features, without writing any code. Low-code no-code platforms are often used by non-technical users to create simple applications, such as marketing landing pages or customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Some popular low-code no-code platforms in Java include:

  • Appsmith
  • Bubble
  • Glide
  • Webflow
  • Adalo

Q6. What is a low-code platform?

A low-code platform is a software development platform that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) and drag-and-drop features to simplify the development of applications. Low-code platforms can be used to develop applications in a variety of languages, including Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Low-code platforms offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity: Low-code platforms can help developers to create applications more quickly and easily.
  • Reduced costs: Low-code platforms can help to reduce the cost of development by eliminating the need for custom coding.
  • Increased accessibility: Low-code platforms can make it easier for non-technical users to participate in the development process.

Low-code platforms are a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. They can be used to create a wide variety of applications, from simple marketing landing pages to complex enterprise systems.

Mukul Bhati

Mukul Bhati

Co-founded FastFox in 2016, which later got acquired by PropTiger (Housing’s Parent). Ex-Knowlarity, UrbanTouch, PayU.
Mukul Bhati, Co-founder of Nected and IITG CSE 2008 graduate, previously launched BroEx and FastFox, which was later acquired by Elara Group. He led a 50+ product and technology team, designed scalable tech platforms, and served as Group CTO at Docquity, building a 65+ engineering team. With 15+ years of experience in FinTech, HealthTech, and E-commerce, Mukul has expertise in global compliance and security.
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