Why Opt for Cloud Workflow Automation?

Why Opt for Cloud Workflow Automation?

Prabhat Gupta

 min read
Why Opt for Cloud Workflow Automation?Why Opt for Cloud Workflow Automation?
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 min read

Cloud workflow automation defines the process of using cloud-based technologies to streamline business operations. This strategy automates tasks and workflows directly through the cloud, eliminating the need for physical infrastructure. It enhances operational efficiency, reduces manual errors, and ensures scalability. Businesses adopt cloud workflow automation to integrate disparate systems and applications, facilitating seamless operations across various platforms. This approach not only accelerates task completion but also supports businesses in rapidly adapting to market demands. This blog delves into the advantages of cloud-based workflow automation, underscoring its essential role in modern business strategies for achieving growth and operational agility.

What is Cloud-based Workflow Automation?

Cloud-based workflow automation is the process of using cloud-based software to automate and manage business processes, workflows, and tasks. This approach allows organizations to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and reduce manual effort by leveraging the benefits of cloud technologies. In this detailed section, we will cover the definition, use cases, and implementation of cloud-based workflow automation.

Cloud workflow automation involves using cloud-hosted software to automate and manage business processes, workflows, and tasks. The software enables the creation, execution, and monitoring of workflows, which can include tasks such as data processing, document management, and collaboration. Cloud-based workflow automation systems typically offer features like real-time task tracking, automated notifications, and integration with other cloud services.

Cloud-based workflow automation can be applied to various business processes and workflows, including:

  1. Data processing: Automating the collection, consolidation, and analysis of data from multiple sources to generate reports and insights.
  2. Document management: Streamlining the creation, review, and approval of documents, reducing the need for manual effort and paperwork.
  3. Application orchestration: Coordinating microservices and other components of an application through communication of events and dependencies.
  4. DevOps and IT automation: Automating tasks related to continuous integration, deployment, and event-driven applications.
  5. E-commerce: Automating mission-critical business processes, such as order fulfillment and inventory tracking.
  6. Machine learning: Running extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs to build, train, and deploy machine learning models.

Cloud-based workflow automation is a powerful tool that can help organizations streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and reduce manual effort. By leveraging the benefits of cloud technologies, businesses can automate a wide range of processes and workflows, leading to increased productivity, accuracy, and cost savings.

Why choose cloud-based workflow automation over traditional one?

Choosing cloud-based workflow automation over traditional methods marks a strategic shift towards greater efficiency, scalability, and reliability in business operations. This approach significantly contrasts with traditional workflow automation that often relies on in-house servers and manual oversight, presenting a myriad of challenges in today’s fast-paced business environment. Here are the top 5 reasons why you need cloud workflow software:

1. Scalability Without Increased Human Resources

Traditional workflow systems struggle to keep up with the rapid growth of an organization due to their reliance on manual processes, which are both resource-intensive and prone to bottlenecks. Cloud workflow automation, however, allows organizations to scale up effortlessly. It maintains performance and efficiency even as the user base expands or workloads increase, eliminating the need for proportional investment in human resources.

2. Reduction in Human Errors and Repetitive Tasks

Manual processes are inherently error-prone, with each step introducing potential risks that can lead to significant disruptions. In large-scale cloud environments, errors can result in service outages or severe business process slowdowns. Cloud workflow automation minimizes these risks by eliminating many manual tasks, thereby freeing IT teams to focus on optimization and cost-saving strategies rather than getting bogged down in routine maintenance.

3. Enhanced Administrative Oversight

For large enterprises leveraging cloud technologies, gaining comprehensive control and visibility over multi-cloud environments is challenging with manual processes. Ensuring consistent application of policies and compliance with regulations becomes cumbersome. Cloud workflow automation offers a solution by improving consistency and compliance across all infrastructure levels, from the cloud and network to operating systems, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations without overwhelming resource utilization.

4. Cost-Efficiency in Operations

While cloud systems are generally more cost-effective than traditional on-premise solutions, unchecked cloud usage can lead to spiraling costs. Automated workflows enable IT teams to implement precise controls that adjust cloud resource usage based on real-time demands, optimizing the balance between performance and expenditure. This strategic cost management is crucial for maintaining a sustainable cloud infrastructure.

5. Acceleration of Process Cycles

Manual workflows are slow and can introduce delays that hamper responsiveness to changing demands or emergencies, such as a spike in user activity or a security breach. Automation ensures that cloud systems can rapidly adjust to new requirements, significantly reducing the time involved in process cycles. This not only enhances the reliability of cloud services but also improves end-user satisfaction and business agility.

In summary, cloud workflow automation transcends the limitations of traditional workflow methods, offering unparalleled benefits in scalability, efficiency, oversight, cost management, and process speed. For businesses aiming to thrive in the digital era, adopting cloud workflow software is not just an option but a necessity for sustaining growth and competitiveness.

In a cloud-based setup, Nected leverages the power of cloud computing to offer a scalable, flexible, and efficient workflow automation platform. Users access Nected through a web browser, connecting to servers hosted in the cloud. This model allows for rapid deployment of workflow automation across various departments and processes without the need for significant upfront investment in physical infrastructure.

Downsides of Cloud workflow automation software:

While cloud-based workflow automation offers numerous advantages, it's important to consider potential downsides, especially when compared to on-premise solutions. Understanding these aspects ensures a balanced view and helps businesses make informed decisions based on their specific needs. Here are the top 5 considerations or downsides of cloud-based workflow engines compared to on-premise versions:

1. Dependency on Internet Connectivity

Cloud-based workflows rely heavily on continuous internet connectivity. Any disruption in internet service can lead to temporary loss of access to critical business processes and data. In contrast, on-premise solutions, stored and operated locally, remain accessible even during internet outages, offering more reliability in environments with unstable internet connections.

2. Data Security and Privacy Concerns

While cloud providers implement robust security measures, storing sensitive data off-site introduces potential vulnerabilities and compliance complexities, especially for businesses subject to strict data protection regulations. On-premise systems offer more direct control over data security, as all data remains within the company's infrastructure, potentially reducing the risk of external breaches.

3. Customization and Integration Limitations

Cloud-based solutions may offer less flexibility in customization and integration compared to on-premise systems. Businesses with highly specialized processes or those requiring deep integration with existing in-house systems might find cloud solutions less accommodating to their unique needs, necessitating additional workarounds or compromises.

4. Long-Term Cost Considerations

While cloud-based systems often have lower initial costs due to the absence of hardware investments, the ongoing subscription fees can accumulate, potentially making them more expensive over the long term. On-premise solutions require a higher upfront investment but may result in lower overall costs for organizations with stable infrastructure needs.

5. Operational and Management Changes

Transitioning to cloud-based workflows can require significant changes in operational practices and management strategies. Teams accustomed to on-premise solutions may need training to adapt to cloud platforms, impacting productivity during the transition period. Additionally, reliance on external providers for maintenance and support can reduce in-house IT teams' control and responsiveness to issues compared to managing on-premise solutions.

While cloud-based workflow automation provides scalability, efficiency, and innovative capabilities, it's essential for businesses to weigh these benefits against potential downsides, such as internet dependency, security concerns, customization limitations, long-term costs, and operational changes. By thoroughly assessing both cloud and on-premise options, organizations can choose the most suitable solution to meet their specific operational requirements and strategic goals.

For businesses requiring or preferring to keep their data and processes within their local infrastructure, Nected offers an on-premise solution. This deployment model involves installing Nected's software directly on the company's servers. It's ideal for organizations with high data sensitivity or those subject to strict regulatory compliance regarding data residency.


In conclusion, cloud-based workflow automation offers a transformative approach to managing business processes, marked by its scalability, efficiency, and accessibility. Through platforms like Nected, organizations can leverage the cloud's power to automate workflows, ensuring operational agility and improved performance. However, the choice between cloud-based and on-premise solutions depends on specific business requirements, including data sensitivity, regulatory compliance, and operational flexibility.

For businesses prioritizing rapid scalability and remote accessibility, cloud-based solutions by Nected provide a compelling choice, minimizing the need for upfront hardware investment and offering ease of maintenance. On the other hand, organizations with stringent data control needs and regulatory obligations may find Nected’s on-premise solutions more aligned with their operational strategies, offering greater customization and integration capabilities within their existing infrastructure.

When deciding between cloud-based and on-premise workflow automation, consider the following:

  • Assess Your Business Requirements: Understand your operational needs, data security concerns, and scalability requirements.
  • Evaluate Regulatory Compliance: Consider any regulatory compliance affecting your data and operations.
  • Consider Cost Implications: Analyze the long-term cost benefits of both models in the context of your business growth and infrastructure investment.
  • Prioritize Flexibility and Accessibility: Determine the importance of remote access and the ability to quickly adapt to changing business needs.

Ultimately, the decision to adopt cloud-based or on-premise workflow automation should align with your strategic objectives, operational needs, and growth plans. Nected’s ability to offer both cloud-based and on-premise solutions ensures that regardless of your choice, you have a robust, efficient platform capable of enhancing your operational workflows and driving business success.


Q1. How Does Cloud Automation Differ from Traditional Automation?

Cloud automation operates in a virtual environment, offering scalability, flexibility, and remote access without the need for physical infrastructure. Traditional, or on-premise, automation relies on hardware and software located within an organization's premises, limiting access and scalability compared to cloud solutions.

Q2. Can You Provide Examples of Cloud Automation?

Examples of cloud automation include automatically scaling cloud resources based on demand, using cloud-based tools for data backup and recovery processes, and automating customer service workflows with cloud-based CRM platforms. These processes enhance operational efficiency and can significantly reduce costs.

Q3. What Techniques are Used in Cloud Automation?

Cloud automation techniques include the use of APIs for integrating different cloud services, implementing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for managing and provisioning cloud resources through code, and utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning for making smarter automation decisions.

Q4. How Do I Choose Between On-Premise Workflow and Cloud Workflow Automation?

Choosing between on-premise and cloud workflow automation depends on your business's specific needs, such as security requirements, budget constraints, and the need for scalability and remote access. If your organization handles sensitive data or has strict regulatory compliance requirements, on-premise solutions may be more appropriate. Conversely, if you prioritize flexibility, scalability, and remote work capabilities, cloud workflow automation is likely the better choice. Assessing your operational goals and IT infrastructure will guide you towards the most suitable option.

Q5. How Do Cloud Automation Companies Support Business Automation Workflow on the Cloud?

Cloud automation companies provide platforms and tools that enable businesses to design, execute, and manage automated workflows in the cloud. They offer solutions for integrating various cloud services, automating data transfers, processing tasks, and monitoring workflow performance, often with the support of customer service and technical teams.

Q6. What Challenges Might Organizations Face When Implementing Cloud Workflow Automation?

Challenges include managing the transition from traditional to cloud-based systems, ensuring staff are trained on new technologies, aligning cloud automation strategies with business objectives, and addressing security and compliance concerns related to cloud data storage and processing.

Q7. Can Cloud Workflow Automation Integrate with On-Premise Systems?

Yes, many cloud workflow automation tools offer integration capabilities with on-premise systems. This hybrid approach allows businesses to leverage the benefits of cloud automation while maintaining critical data or legacy applications on-premise, providing flexibility in how workflows are managed across different environments.

Prabhat Gupta

Prabhat Gupta

Co-founder Nected
Co-founded TravelTriangle in 2011 and made it India’s leading holiday marketplace. Product, Tech & Growth Guy.

Prabhat Gupta is the Co-founder of Nected and an IITG CSE 2008 graduate. While before Nected he Co-founded TravelTriangle, where he scaled the team to 800+, achieving 8M+ monthly traffic and $150M+ annual sales, establishing it as a leading holiday marketplace in India. Prabhat led business operations and product development, managing a 100+ product & tech team and developing secure, scalable systems. He also implemented experimentation processes to run 80+ parallel experiments monthly with a lean team.

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