Workflow Rules for a Professional Workflow Management

Workflow Rules for a Professional Workflow Management

Prabhat Gupta

 min read
Workflow Rules for a Professional Workflow ManagementWorkflow Rules for a Professional Workflow Management
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 min read

Workflow automation involves the use of technology to carry out tasks that require minimal human intervention. Workflow automation has transformed how firms function, streamlining operations, eliminating errors, and increasing efficiency. At the core of this automation are workflow rules, essential guidelines that dictate the flow of tasks within a system. Understanding the role of rules in workflow automation is critical for improving processes and obtaining the desired results.

Role of rules in workflow Automation

Rules play a central part in workflow automation given that they define the logic and criteria that guide automated processes. These res determine how operations are executed, decisions are made, and actions are triggered within  an automated workflow. Here's how rules work in workflow automation.

  • Defining Task Sequences: Specify the order and dependencies of tasks to make sure they are performed in the proper order.
  • Triggering Actions: Initiate tasks depending on certain events or conditions, such as getting an email or exceeding a threshold.
  • Decision Making: Use conditional logic (if-then-else) to select multiple courses through a workflow based on certain criteria.
  • Validation and verification: Ensure data satisfies set criteria and processes adhere to regulations.
  • Exception Handling: Detects and handles errors or exceptions by initiating corrective actions or taking alternative paths.
  • Resource Allocation: Assign and prioritize jobs based on availability, expertise, and workload.

What are Workflow Automation Rules

Workflow rules are the predefined criteria and logic that dictate how automated processes operate within a workflow automation system. They specify the conditions that trigger specific activities, the order in which tasks are completed, and how decisions are made inside the workflow. Workflow rules are critical for ensuring that processes are carried out consistently, efficiently, and accurately.

Key Components of Workflow Rules:


  • Triggers: Events or changes that initiate the workflow (e.g., new email, record creation).
  • Criteria: Specific conditions that must be met for actions to occur (e.g., invoice amount exceeding a certain value).


  • Tasks: Specific actions executed when conditions are met (e.g., send email, update record).
  • Branching: Decisions directing the workflow down different paths based on conditions (e.g., if-then-else logic).


  • Order of Operations: Sequence in which tasks are performed to ensure proper workflow progression.
  • Dependencies: Relationships where one task must be completed before another can start.


  • Alerts: Notifications sent when specific conditions are met or exceptions occur.
  • Reminders: Scheduled notifications to ensure tasks are completed on time.

Setting Clear Objectives for Workflow Automation Rules

When designing workflow Automation rules, it is imperative to establish clear objectives to guide the automation process. This involves identifying key pain points, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies in existing workflows, which can be addressed through rule-based automation. By setting specific goals, organizations can tailor workflow rules to meet their unique needs and optimize processes effectively. Following steps should be considered while setting these objectives:

  • Define Purpose and Goals
  • Map and Analyze Process
  • Specify Rules and Conditions
  • Set Priorities and Exceptions
  • Monitor and Adjust

Designing Logical Workflow Sequences

Workflow automation rules act as the brains of automation, defining the sequential order of tasks and the conditions under which they should be completed. By defining clear decision points, conditions, and triggers, organizations can ensure that tasks are routed efficiently, approvals are streamlined, and notifications are sent at the right time. Designing logical workflow sequences ensures that processes follow a logical flow, reducing disruptions and eliminating unnecessary bottlenecks.

Embracing workflow rules is not just about automating tasks; it's about creating a cohesive system that enhances the overall workflow experience. By investing in the design and implementation of workflow rules, businesses can unlock a world of opportunities for streamlining operations and boosting productivity.

Read also:- How to automate your CRM Workflow using Nected?

Implementing workflow rules in practice 

Implementing workflow rules is a critical step in creating efficient and automated processes. By defining and incorporating rules into your workflow, you can ensure that your business logic is consistently applied, leading to more predictable and reliable outcomes. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement workflow automation rules in practice using Nected.

Step 1: Create a workflow

Access the Nected platform by logging in with your credentials, navigate the dashboard and select the “Workflows” option on the left-hand of the panel. Click on the “Create Workflow” option to add a new workflow.

Step 2: Add a rule node

Once your workflow is created you can add rule nodes to your workflow. Click on the plus icon and select “Rule” node

Now, depending on your requirements, you can choose to add an already created rule to your workflow or you can click on “Create New Rule” to start creating a new rule to be added into your workflow.



If you wish to create a new rule then depending on your requirements, choose the type of rule you want to implement.

Here you can read about the Rule Types available in Nected.



After selecting the rule type, define its logic based on the use case and the type of rule selected.

Example if you selected :-

  • Decision Table - Define the conditions and corresponding actions. For example, if the condition is "Order Amount > $500," the action might be "Require Manager Approval."
  • Simple rule - Define the condition and the single action to be triggered. For instance, "If the document type is 'Invoice', then send notification to Accounts Payable."
  • Rule Set - Group multiple rules together. Each rule within the set will be evaluated, and actions will be triggered based on the combined logic.

Step 3: Trigger Actions based on outcomes

After setting up your rules, define the actions that should be taken based on the rule outcomes. These actions can include:

  • Sending notifications or alerts.
  • Updating database records.
  • Routing documents to specific personnel for further action.
  • Triggering other workflows or processes.

Step 4: Test and Publish the workflow

Before publishing your workflow, run thorough tests to ensure that the rule logic is correct and that the actions are triggered appropriately. Test each possible outcome of your rules to confirm that the workflow performs as intended. Make adjustments as necessary based on the test results.

Once you are satisfied with the tests, publish the workflow. This will make the workflow live and ready to handle real-time data and processes. Continuously monitor the workflow to ensure it operates smoothly. Use Nected’s analytics to track performance metrics and identify areas for improvement.

By following these steps, you can effectively implement workflow automation in practice, ensuring that your business processes are automated, consistent, and efficient. This not only enhances productivity but also reduces the risk of errors and ensures compliance with your organization's policies.

Read also:- Using Nected To Do Workflow Automation for Startups


As you delve deeper into the realm of workflow automation, remember that workflow rules are your trusted allies in simplifying the complexity of automated processes by providing the logic and structure. By embracing these rules and leveraging their power, you can revolutionize the way your organization operates.They enable organizations to streamline operations, reduce errors, improve efficiency and standards. 

Furthermore, they provide a framework for monitoring and optimizing workflows over time, ensuring that procedures stay efficient and in line with company goals. So, why wait? Start crafting your workflow rules today and unlock a new era of efficiency and productivity.


Q1. How do you create workflow rules?

Creating workflow rules usually involves using a workflow automation platform or software with a graphical interface for defining rules. The platform's visual workflow builders and rule editors allow users to create conditions, triggers, actions, and decision points.

Q2. How can businesses ensure that workflow rules do not hinder flexibility?

Businesses can ensure workflow rules do not hinder flexibility by enabling easy rule adjustments, incorporating exception handling, using conditional logic, assigning user roles with permissions, regularly reviewing rules, providing training, and embracing an agile approach.

Q3.  What are some common examples of workflow rules?

Assigning tasks to specific individuals based on predefined criteria (e.g., workload, expertise), Sending notifications or alerts when certain conditions are met (e.g., deadline approaching, threshold exceeded), Automating approval processes for requests (e.g., expense approvals, leave requests).

Q4. Can workflow rules be deactivated or activated?

Yes, workflow rules can be deactivated or activated based on your organization's needs. Deactivating a workflow rule stops it from triggering, while activating it enables the rule to trigger again.

Prabhat Gupta

Prabhat Gupta

Co-founded TravelTriangle in 2011 and made it India’s leading holiday marketplace. Product, Tech & Growth Guy.

Prabhat Gupta is the Co-founder of Nected and an IITG CSE 2008 graduate. While before Nected he Co-founded TravelTriangle, where he scaled the team to 800+, achieving 8M+ monthly traffic and $150M+ annual sales, establishing it as a leading holiday marketplace in India. Prabhat led business operations and product development, managing a 100+ product & tech team and developing secure, scalable systems. He also implemented experimentation processes to run 80+ parallel experiments monthly with a lean team.

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